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The wines of Elba Island

Wineries and tastings in the area

Elba Island has a long winemaking tradition, a history that is expressed through typical wine cellars and fine wine brands, a history in which to indulge in pleasant and intoxicating tastings amidst rows of grapes and sea breezes.

The wines of Elba Island are the result of man’s passionate work on such a fertile and productive land, where expanses of vineyards mark out a landscape of colours and scents sloping down to the sea. Some of the most famous labels in Tuscany are produced here, made unique by the distinctive characteristics of the island’s nature: the climatic and environmental character of the area gives rise to unique wines, great passito wines such as the rich Aleatico, white wines from the Ansonica grape, reds such as Sangioveto or rosé wines, structured and fruity wines with excellent nuances.


A wine lover's paradise

a wine tradition of excellence

Famous wine cellars including Aquabona, Tenuta delle Ripalte, La Chiusa and Cecilia, where you can enjoy tastings accompanied by typical dishes and experience the authentic excellence of Elba Island wine, a journey through the tannic flavours born of the agrarian past.


A palette of scents to be savoured slowly by taking a tour of the cellars, discovering the oil mills and grape varieties that tell the story of the Mediterranean’s heritage in its most bewitching forms.


Napoleon, returning to France, said ‘The inhabitants of Elba are strong and healthy because the island’s wine gives strength and health’ – a phrase that never gets old.

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